Suggested Reference Materials for Second Millennium History:

Historical Atlas of the World

Atlas of the Bible and Christianity


*A Timeline of Eastern Church History
author: Kathryn Tsai
publisher: Divine Ascent Press; 1st edition (2004)

The Timetables of History: A Horizontal Linkage of People and Events
author: Bernard Grun
publisher: Touchstone (2005) 

*The Law of God: An Introduction to Orthodox Christianity
author: Priest Daniel Sysoev
publisher: Daniel Sysoev Inc. (2016)

The Law of God: For Study at Home and School
author: Archpriest Seraphim Slobodskoy
publisher: Printshop of St. Job of Pochaev, Holy Trinity Monastery (1996)
note: Creation account in this book reflects progressive creationism.

*The Great Collection of the Lives of the Saints
author: St. Demetrius of Rostov
publisher: Chrysostom Press

*Let the Little Children Come to Me: Stories of Children Martyrs
publisher: St. John Chyrsostomos Monastery (2002)

The Great Synaxaristes of the Orthodox Church
publisher: Holy Apostles Convent (1998)


*Door to Paradise: Jesus Christ in Ancient Orthodoxy
author and publisher: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood

The Orthodox Christian Church Through the Ages
Volume 2: New Frontiers
author: Sophie Koulomzin
publisher: OCA Religious Ed. Dept. (1968)

*Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever Virgin Mary
author: Theodore Khoury
publisher: Icons Plus (2004)
notes: this book contains historical accounts of the miracle-working icons of the Panagia.

*The Holy Mountain Athos
author: Hieromonk Nicephore of Mikra Agia Anna
publisher: Hermitage of the Holy Archangels. Skete of Mikra Agia Anna at the Holy Mountain of Athos (2003)
notes: The perfect text about Mt. Athos for early elementary.


*The Great Collection of the Lives of the Saints
author: St. Demetrius of Rostov
publisher: Chrysostom Press

*Let the Little Children Come to Me: Stories of Children Martyrs
publisher: St. John Chyrsostomos Monastery (2002)

*A Child's Paradise of Saints
author/illustrator: Nun Nectaria McLees
publisher: Christ the Savior Brotherhood Publishing (2000)

*Spiritual Fragrance Book Set:
*Book 6: The Lives of Our Saints, Book 6
*Book 7: The Lives of Our Saints, Book 7
*Book 8: The Lives of Our Saints, Book 8

Saints for All Ages:
Book 3: New Apostles of Christ
Book 7: Founders of Russian Monasticism
publisher: OCA Dept. of Religious Education (1982)
publisher: This series is out of print. St. Kosmas Homeschool Association is seeking permission to post pdf scans of this series on this website. Please check back.


*St.Seraphim's Beatitudes: Blessings for Our Path to Heaven Based on the Life of the Wonderworker of Sarov
author: Priest Daniel Marshall
illustrator: Paul Drozdowski
publisher: St. Innocent Press (2008)

*Saint Dionysios of Zakynthos
author/illustrator: Dionysios & Egle-Ekaterine Potamitis
publisher: Potamitis Publishing (2007)

*To Plant a Cross: The Story of Saint Kosmas Aitolos Who Fought a War With Words
author: Angeline Eliakopoulos
publisher: Destro Publishers (2004)

*The Life of St. Sergius, Wonderworker of Radonezh
author/illustrator: Maria Naumenko
publisher: Holy Trinity Monastery (1992)

*The Life of St. Seraphim, Wonderworker of Sarov
author/illustrator: Maria Naumenko
publisher: Holy Trinity Monastery (1999)

*The Wonderworking Kursk Root Icon of the Mother of God
author/illustrator: Maria Naumenko
publisher: Holy Trinity Monastery (1995)

*Saint Innocent of Alaska: Apostle and Missionary
author: Sarah Elizabeth Cowie
publisher: Conciliar Press (2005)

*Journey Across North America and Other Stories of Saints Innocent, Tikhon, and Herman
author: Anne Marie Gidus-Mecera
publisher: St. Ignatius of Antioch Press (2001)

*Father Herman: Alaska's Saint
author: F. A. Golder
publisher: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (2004)

*The Life of St. Savva Retold for Children
author: Fr. Nenad M. Mihailovich
publisher: in Serbia (1996)

*The Illustrated Life of St. John the Russian
author/illustrator: Monk John Vranos
publisher: St. Xenia Skete (1983)

*The Life and Recent Miracles of Saint John the Russian
author: Fr. Ioannis Vernezos
publisher: Holy Shrine of St. John the Russian, Prokopi, Euboea, Greece (1999)

*Great-Martyr Tsar Lazar of Serbia: His Life and Service
author: Fr. Daniel M. Rogich
publisher: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (2001)

*Saint Herman of Alaska: His Life and Service
publisher: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (2009)

North Star: St. Herman of Alaska
author/illustrator: Dorrie Papademetriou
publisher: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press (2001)

Saint Herman of Alaska
author/illustrator: S.A. Smith
publisher: Unexpected Joy Press (2002)

The Wonderful Life of Russia's Saint Sergius of Radonezh
author: Alvin Alexei Currier
illustrator: Nadezda Glazunova
publisher: Conciliar Press (2001)



Collections of Saints' Lives:

*The Great Collection of the Lives of the Saints
author: St. Demetrius of Rostov
publisher: Chrysostom Press

*Let the Little Children Come to Me: Stories of Children Martyrs
publisher: St. John Chyrsostomos Monastery (2002)

The Great Synaxaristes of the Orthodox Church
publisher: Holy Apostles Convent (1998)

*The Lives of the Holy Women Martyrs
publisher: Holy Apostles Convent (1992)

*The Lives of the Spiritual Mothers
publisher: Holy Apostles Convent (1991)

Church History:

*The Law of God: An Introduction to Orthodox Christianity
Part VIII: "The New Testament Church" (pages 430-535)
author: Priest Daniel Sysoev
publisher: Daniel Sysoev Inc. (2016)

The Orthodox Church a Well-Kept Secret: A Journey Through Church History
author: Fr. George Nicozisin
publisher: Light & Life Publishing (1997)

*The Ecumenical Synods of the Orthodox Church: A Concise History
author: Fr. James Thornton
publisher: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies (2007)

*Victories of Orthodoxy
author: Constantine Cavarnos
publisher: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (1997)

The Orthodox Christian Church Through the Ages 
Volume 2: New Frontiers
author: Sophie Koulomzin
publisher: OCA Religious Ed. Dept. (1968)

Byzantium (Before the Fall of Constantinople):

*Saint Ioannis Vatatzis: Emperor of Byzantium 1222-1254
author: Georgios D. Valavanis
publisher: Koutoulas K. Nikolaos, Larissa, Greece (2008)
notes: available in both Greek and English

*Saint Mark of Ephesos (+1456)
author: Constantine Cavarnos
publisher: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (2008)


*Athos: The Garden of the Virgin
author: Gerhard Trumler
publisher: Adam Editions (1999)

*Holy Monastery of Philotheou
publisher: Philotheoy Monastery, Mount Athos, Greece

*Sts. Raphael, Nicholas, and Irene of Lesvos (+1463)
Modern Orthodox Saints - Volume 10
author: Constantine Cavarnos
publisher: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (1990)

*St. Cosmas Aitolos (+1779)
Modern Orthodox Saints - Volume 1
author: Constantine Cavarnos
publisher: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies

*St. Macarios of Corinth (+1805)
Modern Orthodox Saints - Volume 2
author: Constantine Cavarnos
publisher: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies

*St. Nicodemos the Hagiorite (+1809)
Modern Orthodox Saints - Volume 3
author: Constantine Cavarnos
publisher: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies

The Greek War of Independence (1821)
author: Peter H. Paroulakis
publisher: Hellenic International Press (2000)


***Saint Seraphim: Wonderworker of Sarov and His Spiritual Inheritance (+1833)
author: Helen Kontzevitch
publisher: St. Xenia Skete (2004)

*The Northern Thebaid: Monastic Saints of the Russian North
author: Fr. Seraphim Rose
publisher: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (2004)

Elder Zosima: Hesychast of Siberia (+1833)
author: Abbes Vera Verkhovsky
publisher: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (1990)

Elder Jonah of Kiev: A Brief Account of His Life and Struggles (1794-1902)
translator: Hieromonk Ioannikios
publisher: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies (1998)


*The Life of St. Sava (+1236)
author: St. Nicholai Velimirovich
publisher: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press (1989)

*Great-Martyr Tsar Lazar of Serbia: His Life and Service (+1389)
author: Fr. Daniel M. Rogich
publisher: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (2001)

*The Mystery of the Wonder-worker of Ostrog (+1671)
author: Protopresbyter Radomir Nikchevich
publisher: Svetigora (The Publishing Company of Metropolitanate of Montenegro and Littoral (2003)
notes: Includes a history of the Serbian people




The Lives of the Georgian Saints
author: Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze
publisher: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (2006)

North America:

*Saint Herman of Alaska: His Life and Service
publisher: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (2009)

*Father Herman: Alaska's Saint (1751-1836)
author: F. A. Golder
publisher: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (2004)
notes: elementary or middle school

Herman: A Wilderness Saint (1751-1836)
author: Sergei Korsun with Lydia Black
publisher: Holy Trinity Monastery (2012)
notes: high school

*Journey Across North America and Other Stories of Saints Innocent, Tikhon, and Herman
author: Anne Marie Gidus-Mecera
publisher: St. Ignatius of Antioch Press (2001)
notes: elementary or early middle school

*Saint Innocent of Alaska: Apostle and Missionary
author: Sarah Elizabeth Cowie
publisher: Conciliar Press (2005)
notes: elementary or early middle school

*Innokenty of Alaska: The Life of Saint Innocent of Alaska, (Including the text of St. Innocent's book "Indication of the Way Into the Heavenly Kingdom" (1797-1879)
publisher: Synaxis Press (2000)
notes: "Indication of the Way Into the Heavenly Kingdom" has historical significance as it was written in 1833 in the Aleut language, and is possibly the first piece of literature to be written in any North American native language.

*Saint Innocent: Apostle to America (1797-1879)
author: Paul D. Garrett
publisher: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press (1979, 2006)
notes: high school

Orthodox Alaska: Theology of Mission
author: Michael J. Oleksa
publisher: St. Vladimir's Seminary Press (1992)

New Smyrna: An Eighteenth Century Greek Odyssey
author: E. P. Panagopoulos
publisher: Holy Cross Orthodox Press (1978)
notes: This is about the first Greek colony in America.

*The Constitution of the United States with Index, and The Declaration of Independence
publisher: National Center for Constitutional Studies (2010)

Cartier Sails the St. Lawrence
author: Esther Averill
publisher: Harper & Brothers
notes: winner of the 1955 Caldecott Award

World History:

The Story of the World: History for the Classical Child
Volume 2: The Middle Ages (From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of the Renaissance)
Volume 3: Early Modern Times (From Elizabeth the First to the Forty-Niners)
author: Susan Wise Bauer
publisher: Peace Hill Press (2004)
review: This series is not recommended for grades 1-4 as it reflects a Protestant worldview. Suggested for use after the child has established an Orthodox worldview.

The World of Columbus and Sons
author/illustrator: Genevieve Foster (1965)
publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons; Beautiful Feet Books
review: World history from the mid-1400's to the early 1500's. This series reflects a Protestant worldview. Suggested for use after the child has established an Orthodox worldview.

The World of Capt. John Smith
author/illustrator: Genevieve Foster (1959)
publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons; Beautiful Feet Books
review: World history from 1580 through 1631. This series reflects a Protestant worldview. Suggested for use after the child has established an Orthodox worldview.

The World of William Penn
author/illustrator: Genevieve Foster (1973)
publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons
review: World history from the mid-1600's through the early 1700's. This series reflects a Protestant worldview. Suggested for use after the child has established an Orthodox worldview.

George Washington's World
author/illustrator: Genevieve Foster (1941)
publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons; Beautiful Feet Books
review: World history from 1732 through 1799. This series reflects a Protestant worldview. Suggested for use after the child has established an Orthodox worldview.

1492: Year of Columbus
author/illustrator: Genevieve Foster (copyright 1969)
publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons
review: People and events around the globe in the year 1492.

1620: Year of the Pilgrims
author/illustrator: Genevieve Foster (copyright 1969)
publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons
review: People and events around the globe in the year 1620.

1776: Year of Independence
author/illustrator: Genevieve Foster (copyright 1970)
publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons
review: People and events around the globe in the year 1776.

1801: The Year of the Horseless Carriage
author/illustrator: Genevieve Foster (copyright 1975)
publisher: Charles Scribner's Sons
review: People and events around the globe in the year 1801.