1st Millennium: Middle & High School

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Essential Reading & Resources (1st Millennium: Middle & High School)

*The Great Collection of the Lives of the Saints
author: St. Demetrius of Rostov
publisher: Chrysostom Press

*Let the Little Children Come to Me: Stories of Children Martyrs
publisher: St. John Chyrsostomos Monastery (2002)

*The Life of the Virgin Mary, the Theotokos
publisher: Holy Apostles Convent (1989)

*The Lives of the Holy Apostles
publisher: Holy Apostles Convent (1988)

*The Lives of the Three Great Hierarchs: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and John Chrysostom
publisher: Holy Apostles Convent (1998)

*The Lives of the Holy Women Martyrs
publisher: Holy Apostles Convent (1992)

*The Lives of the Spiritual Mothers
publisher: Holy Apostles Convent (1991)

The Great Synaxaristes of the Orthodox Church
publisher: Holy Apostles Convent (1998)

*A Timeline of Eastern Church History
author: Kathryn Tsai
publisher: Divine Ascent Press; 1st edition (2004)
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Primary Sources and Historical Biographies Written During the 1st Millennium
(1st Millennium: Middle & High School)  

*The Life of St. Anthony the Great
author: St. Athanasios the Great (written in the 4th century)
publisher: St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery (2014)
notes: This is the first biography of a saint who was not a martyr, and is considered to be one of the finest of Saint Athanasius’ writings. Saint John Chrysostom recommends that this Life be read by every Christian.

*Saint Paisios the Great
author: his disciple St. John the Dwarf of Egypt (written in the 4th century)
publisher: Holy Trinity Monastery (1998)

*Four Great Saints: St. Paisius the Great, St. Pachomius the Great, Euthymius the Great, and St. Theodosius (4th - 5th centuries)
publisher: Holy Trinity Monastery (2007)

*An Ascetic Bishop: Stories, Sermons, and Prayers of St. Nephon (4th century)
author: St. Nephon (written in the 4th century)
publisher: St. Anthony's Monastery (2013)

*The Life of our Holy Mother Mary of Egypt (5th-6th century)
author: St. Sophronius (written in the 7th century)
publisher: St. Nectarios Press (2003)

*The Life of Our Holy Father Maximus the Confessor (7th century)
author: his disciple Anastasius the Aposcrisiarios of Rome (7th century)
publisher: Holy Transfiguration Monastery (1982)

*The Precious Pearl: The Lives of Saints Barlaam and Ioasaph
author: St. John Damascene (written in the 8th century)
publisher: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (1997)
notes: The story is set in India at the time "when the monasteries were being formed in Egypt."

Holy Fire: The Miracle of the Light of the Resurrection At the Tomb of Jesus. Seventy Historical Accounts (4th - 16th C.)
author: Haris Skarlakidis
publisher:  (2015)
note: First hand accounts of the Holy Fire in Jerusalem from 4th - 16th centuries. Included are photographed samples of accounts of the miracle written in ancient Greek, which would be of interest to children studying the ancient Greek language. 
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In the Footsteps of Egeria to Sinai and the Holy Land: A Fourth Century Travel Journal, A Twenty-First Century Pictorial Odyssey
author: a 4th century pilgrim to the Holy Land
publisher: Paidea Classics (2018)
note: a portion of the profits go to the Sinai monasteries
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Additional Historical Biographies (1st Millennium: Middle & High School)

*The Life and Sufferings of Saint Catherine the Great Martyr
author: Holy Apostles Convent
publisher: St. Nectarios Press (2007)

*St. Spyridon of Tremithus: Boast of the Orthodox (4th century)
author: Sotos Chondropoulos
publisher: "Kainourgia Ge" Publications (2008)

*Justinian the Great: the Emperor and Saint (6th century)
author: Asterios Gerostergios
publisher: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (1982)

*St. Photios the Great (9th century)
author: Asterios Gerostergios
publisher: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (1980)

The Life of the Holy Prince Vladimir the Great of Kiev
publisher: St. John of Kronstadt Press (1985)

Saints of England's Golden Age: A Collection of the Lives of Holy Men and Women Who Flourished in Orthodox Christian Britain
publisher: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies (1997)

The Lives of the Georgian Saints
author: Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze
publisher: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (2006)


Summaries of History (1st Millennium: Middle & High School)

*Door to Paradise: Jesus Christ in Ancient Orthodoxy
author and publisher: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood

*The Law of God: An Introduction to Orthodox Christianity
Part VII: "The New Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ" (pages 327-429)
Part VIII: "The New Testament Church" (pages 430-535)
author: Priest Daniel Sysoev
publisher: Daniel Sysoev Inc. (2016)

*The Ecumenical Synods of the Orthodox Church: A Concise History
author: Fr. James Thornton
publisher: Center for Traditionalist Orthodox Studies (2007)

*Victories of Orthodoxy
author: Constantine Cavarnos
publisher: Institute for Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (1997)

The Orthodox Church a Well-Kept Secret: A Journey Through Church History
author: Fr. George Nicozisin
publisher: Light & Life Publishing (1997)

The Orthodox Christian Church Through the Ages
Volume 1: Heros for Truth
Volume 2: New Frontiers
author: Sophie Koulomzin
publisher: OCA Religious Ed. Dept. (1968)

A Children's History of the Church: From the day of Pentecost to the Council of Chalcedon (A.D. 29-A.D 451)
author: John Mason Neal (1800's)
publisher: Paidea Classics (2017)
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Stories from Church History: Inspiring Stories of Faith, Struggle, and Triumph, Volume 1: A.D. 34-312
author: John Mason Neal (1800's)
publisher: Paidea Classics (2017)
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Stories from Church History: Inspiring Stories of Faith, Struggle, and Triumph, Volume 2: A.D. 312-450
author: John Mason Neal (1800's)
publisher: Paidea Classics (2018)
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Story of the Last Days of Jerusalem from Josephus
author: Alfred Church (1800's)
publisher: Paidea Classics (2004)
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The Story of the World: History for the Classical Child
Volume 1: Ancient Times (From the Earliest Nomads to the Last Roman Emperor)
Volume 2: The Middle Ages (From the Fall of Rome to the Rise of the Renaissance)
author: Susan Wise Bauer
publisher: Peace Hill Press (2003)
review: This series is not recommended for grades 1-4 as it reflects a Protestant worldview. Suggested for use after the child has established an Orthodox worldview.

Historical Fiction (1st Millennium: Middle & High School)

*Saint Eustathios Placidas: His Life, Longsuffering, and Martyrdom
author: the sisters of St. John the Forerunner Monastery
publisher: St. John the Forerunner Monastery (2007)

Out of the African Lands: The Story of St. Perpetua and Her Companions
author: Constantina Palmer
publisher: Lumination Press (2016)r
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Voyage to the Rock
author: Fr. Matthew Penney
publisher: Lumination Press (2014)
notes: relates to the history of the Vikings in America and St. Bredan the Navigator
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The Purple Mantle
author: Aliki Kafetzopoulou
publisher: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (2001)
notes: set during the reign of Diocletian
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A Trace in the Sand: A Tale of the Early Martyrs
publisher: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (2007)
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Diamonds on the Bosphorus
author: Aliki Kafetzopoulou
publisher: St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood (2011)
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The Exiles of the Cebenna
author: John Mason Neale (1800's)
publisher: Paidea Classics (2002)
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Egyptian Wanderers
author: John Mason Neale (1800's)
publisher: Paidea Classics (2017)
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Constantine the Great
author: Frieda Upson
publisher: Holy Cross Orthodox Press (1986)

The Bronze Bow
author: Elizabeth Speare (first published in 1961)
publisher: Houghton Mifflin Company
notes: Winner of the 1962 Newbery Medal