About Archpriest Josiah Trenham, Ph.D.
Father Josiah Trenham was ordained an Orthodox priest in 1993, and has pastored St. Andrew Orthodox Church in Riverside, California since 1998. Father has a Ph.D. in Theology from the University of Durham, England, and has taught theology and history at the university since 2004. He has published numerous articles and two books, and lectures widely on many theological topics. He is the founder and director of Patristic Nectar Publications and has more than 700 homilies on his audio-podcast The Arena and YouTube channel Patristic Nectar Films. He serves as Chaplain both to the national ministry Orthodox Christians for Life, and to the St. Andrew Academy. Father Josiah has been married for over 30 years, and has ten children and several grandchildren.
Banner photo above: St. Andrew Orthodox Church, Riverside, California
TO CONTACT FR. JOSIAH TRENHAM: saintandrewoffice@saintandrew.net
Presentations by Fr. Josiah Trenham
at the Saint Kosmas Conferences:
Raising Orthodox Christian Children in a Post-Covid World (2022 Keynote 1)
Seeking Purity in an Age of Impurity (2022 Keynote 2)
The Domestic Church and Education in the Writings of St. John Chrysostom (2021 Keynote)
TECHNOLOGY & ADDICTION: Seeking Freedom in Christ in a Consumerist Society (2019 Keynote)
Panel Discussion on (1) Supporting Orthodox Education within the Local Community and (2) Breaking Down the “Homeschool Versus Orthodox School” Paradigm to Create Greater Unity within the Local Community (2021)
Talk with the Youth: Teens’ Responsibility Within the Home as a Member of the Domestic Church (2021)
Talk with the Youth: Living the Orthodox Faith in a Post-Covid World (2022)
“I am really dumbfounded by this conference. Dumbfounded! I am so thrilled! In my 25 years as a priest I’ve never seen anything like this. The more that this love spreads like fire amongst the Orthodox in America, the more good can take place in our lives. Because to embrace parenting and the education of our children is a path to repentance and sanctity. And I can only dream of the good that can take place in our children’s lives and in their formation to be near God, nourished in Truth, and witnesses to our culture.”
Learn more about the Saint Kosmas Conferences.