TOPICS ANNOUNCED for the 2021-22 Oratorical Festival and Essay Contest: Freedom, Beauty, Chastity, and Obedience

“Romanian Saints in Their Glory” © Copyright 2020 Roșca Lucian Andrei. All rights reserved. Saint Kosmas Orthodox Education Association, 2020-21 Saint Kosmas Photography Contest.

“Romanian Saints in Their Glory” © Copyright 2020 Roșca Lucian Andrei. All rights reserved. Saint Kosmas Orthodox Education Association, 2020-21 Saint Kosmas Photography Contest.


The ideal of chastity is deeply challenged in our culture today. Develop an essay that offers an apologetic to our culture as to why Americans should value chastity from an Orthodox perspective.

In your essay, work to develop depth and breadth, using concrete examples and drawing from the wisdom of the Church in developing your position.


St. Silouan the Athonite writes, "The spirit of obedience is necessary not only in monks but in everyone else, too. Even the Lord was obedient. The proud and those who are a law unto themselves prevent the indwelling of grace and therefore never know peace of soul; whereas the grace of the Holy Spirit enters with ease into the soul of the obedient, bringing joy and quiet."

Write an essay on what you think St. Silouan the Athonite means when he says these words in relation to our daily lives in families and living in the world as Orthodox Christians. In your essay, work to develop depth and breadth, using concrete examples and drawing from the wisdom of the Church in developing your position.


2022 Oratorical Festival

JUNIOR Division Oratorical Topic #1 (Freedom):

We live in a culture that tells us we are free to do whatever we want. How does such an understanding of freedom differ from an Orthodox Christian approach to freedom? As you develop your ideas, make sure to use Orthodox resources to support your argument. Good sources could include, but are not limited to, a story from the Desert Fathers, hymns sung in the Church, writings of contemporary saints and holy elders, and the Holy Scripture.

JUNIOR Division Oratorical Topic #2 (BEAUTY):

When envoys were sent by St. Vladimir to Constantinople to inquire into the Orthodox faith, they attended the Divine Liturgy at Agia Sophia and reported back, "We no longer knew whether we were in heaven or on earth." What does this story tell us about the importance of beauty in the Orthodox Church? How does such a view of beauty contrast with that of modern culture? As you explore the Orthodox understanding of beauty, make use of resources such as Holy Scripture, the Church Fathers, hymnography, and/or liturgical texts to strengthen your argument.


Throughout history, freedom has been understood in a number of different ways. Discuss how Orthodox approach the topic of freedom. Make sure to use Orthodox resources such as the Holy Scripture, the Church Fathers, and liturgical texts to support and develop your ideas. In addition, contrast the Orthodox approach with at least one other approach to freedom in the world today.


Fyodor Dostoyesvky famously said in The Idiot, "Beauty will save the world." What is an Orthodox approach to understanding beauty, and what role does beauty play in the spiritual life? Make sure to use Orthodox resources such as the Holy Scripture, the Church Fathers, hymnography, and liturgical services and texts to support and develop your ideas. In addition, contrast the Orthodox approach with at least one other approach to beauty in the world today.


Photography credit: “Romanian Saints in Their Glory” © Copyright 2020 Roșca Lucian Andrei. All rights reserved. Saint Kosmas Orthodox Education Association, 2020-21 Saint Kosmas Photography Contest. To learn more about the photo, visit the “Best of Show” winners from the 2020-21 Saint Kosmas Photography Contest.