The Illustrated Synaxarion of the Orthodox Church (PDF)
compiled by Antonios Markou
published by St. Symeon the Translator's Centre for Hagiographical Studies
A Read-Aloud Text for Children:
The Passion of the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, and Love, and Their Mother, Sophia
from The Great Collection of the Lives of the Saints: September (Volume 1)
by St. Demetrius of Rostov
The Great Collection of the Lives of the Saints: September (Volume 1)
written/compiled by St. Demetrius of Rostov
published by Chrysostom Press
distributed by Saint Herman Press
Today’s reading from this text is posted here:
The Seventeenth Day of the Month of September:
The Passion of the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, and Love, and Their Mother, Sophia
Let the Little Children Come to Me: Stories of Children Martyrs
published by Saint John Chrysostomos Greek Orthodox Monastery (2002)
[St. Sophia and her three children, Faith, Hope, and Love]
Paterikon for Kids #48: Saint Sophia and her three daughters, Faith, Hope, and Love (English, Greek)
My Synaxarion: September (English, Greek)
Orthodox September Package (English, Greek)
Egle-Ekaterine Potamitis
Potamitis Publishing
handwriting/penmanship copywork:
Saints of the Church: Lives of Seventy Saints by St. Nikolai of Zhicha Arranged Chronologically with Copywork Made from the Hymns of the Orthodox Church
[copywork options include manuscript or cursive, Getty Dubay or Zaner Bloser; format options include hard copy or digital download]
published by Paidea Classics (buy the book)