Hymnography Resources for September 14

Printable Sheet Music and Liturgical Texts:

Saint Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery
Divine Music Project

AGES Initiatives, Inc.
Digital Chant Stand

Audio Recordings of the Hymns for the Feast
chanted by Dimitrios Katsiklis

APOLYTIKION - Universal Exaltation of the Cross

First Tone

Save, O Lord, Thy people and bless Thine inheritance; grant Thou unto the faithful victory over adversaries. And by the power of Thy Cross do Thou preserve Thy commonwealth.

KONTAKION - Universal Exaltation of the Cross

Fourth Tone. The Original Melody

Thou Who wast raised up on the Cross of Thine own will, O Christ our God, do Thou bestow Thy compassions upon this, Thy new commonwealth named after Thee. Gladden with Thy sovereign might our most Orthodox hierarchs, and vouchsafe them victory over every false teaching; and as Thy help in war may they possess the weapon of peace, the trophy invincible.

September 14 September Index