Illustrated Synaxarion — September 14

The Illustrated Synaxarion of the Orthodox Church was compiled by Antonios Markou, (MA Ph); "St. Symeon the Translator's" Centre for Hagiographical Studies, Athens, Greece.


The Illustrated Synaxarion of the Orthodox Church was compiled by Antonios Markou, (MA Ph); "St. Symeon the Translator's" Centre for Hagiographical Studies, Athens, Greece. The 1st edition was published in Greek in 2002, and the 2nd edition was published in English in 2004, in Athens, Greece. This publication is no longer in print. If it is reprinted by the copyright holder, all images and pdfs from The Illustrated Synaxarion of the Orthodox Church will be removed from this website and will be replaced by a link to purchase the book from the publisher.

Please see our FAIR USE STATEMENT regarding the posting of the Illustrated Synaxarion.

September 14 September Index

Hymnography Resources for September 14

Printable Sheet Music and Liturgical Texts:

Saint Anthony’s Greek Orthodox Monastery
Divine Music Project

AGES Initiatives, Inc.
Digital Chant Stand

Audio Recordings of the Hymns for the Feast
chanted by Dimitrios Katsiklis

APOLYTIKION - Universal Exaltation of the Cross

First Tone

Save, O Lord, Thy people and bless Thine inheritance; grant Thou unto the faithful victory over adversaries. And by the power of Thy Cross do Thou preserve Thy commonwealth.

KONTAKION - Universal Exaltation of the Cross

Fourth Tone. The Original Melody

Thou Who wast raised up on the Cross of Thine own will, O Christ our God, do Thou bestow Thy compassions upon this, Thy new commonwealth named after Thee. Gladden with Thy sovereign might our most Orthodox hierarchs, and vouchsafe them victory over every false teaching; and as Thy help in war may they possess the weapon of peace, the trophy invincible.

September 14 September Index

Books for Children — September 14

The Illustrated Synaxarion of the Orthodox Church (PDF)
compiled by Antonios Markou
published by St. Symeon the Translator's Centre for Hagiographical Studies


The Great Collection of the Lives of the Saints: September (Volume 1)
written/compiled by St. Demetrius of Rostov
published by Chrysostom Press
distributed by Saint Herman Press


Feasts of Christ and the Theotokos and Miracles of the Lord
Book 1 (in a series of 8)
by Spiritual Fragrance Publishing  (2012)
distributed in the US by Archangels Books

Feasts of the Orthodox Church.jpg

Feasts of the Orthodox Church
Anna Larsen
Anna Larsen Books (2013)

Potamitis-My Book of Church Feasts.png

My Book of Church Feasts  (English, Greek) — [Exaltation of the Holy Cross]
My Synaxarion: September  (English, Greek)
Orthodox September Package  (English, Greek)
Egle-Ekaterine Potamitis
Potamitis Publishing


A Child’s Paradise of Saints
written by Nun Nectaria McLees
published by Christ the Savior Brotherhood (2000)
[Sts. Constantine & Helen]

Potamitis-My Warrior Saints.jpg

My Warrior Saints: Illustrated Synaxarion for Children  [hard cover book and cd]
written and illustrated by Dionysios & Elge-Ekaterine Potamitis
published by Potamitis Publishing
[stories of Sts. Constantine, Eustathios, and Procopius, who all had a vision of the Cross]

My Warrior Saints Coloring Book
by Elge-Ekaterine Potamitis
published by Potamitis Publishing
[stories of Sts. Constantine, Eustathios, and Procopius, who all had a vision of the Cross]


Paterikon for Kids #39: Saint Helen and the Finding of the Holy Cross (English, Greek)
My Book of Church Feasts  (English, Greek)
My Synaxarion: September  (English, Greek)
Orthodox September Package  (English, Greek)
Egle-Ekaterine Potamitis
Potamitis Publishing

Victor Constantinus, Maximus Augustus: The Life of St. Constantine and His Mother, Saint Helena
written by Euphemia Briere
published by St. Nectarios Press (2003) — out of print

September 14 September Index

Audios — September 14

Audio Synaxarion


Log on to Patristic Nectar to hear the Synaxarion reading for any day of the year - for free!

Audio Recordings of the Hymns for the Feast




The Annual Visit of the Holy Cross (Postcards from Greece, Archpriest Peter Heers, D.Th.)

The Annual Visit of the Holy Cross
Postcards from Greece podcast (#5 in a series of 40)
Fr. Peter Heers, D.Th.

For more than two and a half centuries, the little mountain village of Petrokerasa has celebrated the feasts of Lazarus Saturday and Palm Sunday with the arrival of a segment of the True and Precious Cross of Christ, brought to them by the fathers of the Holy Monastery of Xeropotamou on Mount Athos. Fr. Peter tells the story.

Postcards from Greece is an excellent podcast series for children and adults, perfect for family listening. The entire podcast series of 40 episodes can be heard and downloaded from Postcards from Greece.

Fr. Peter’s lectures from past Saint Kosmas Conferences are listed here.

A full list of links to Fr. Peter’s current websites, podcast platforms, and online courses is posted here.

Contemporary Miracles of the Precious Cross of Christ (Constantine Zalalas, 20th Century Greek Elders Series)

The Account of Fr. Stavros Tsangarakis from Rethymno, Crete


The following is the incredible account of Fr. Stavros Tsangarakis from Rethymno, Crete who is the protector of a most precious treasure of Orthodoxy: a piece of the Precious True Cross of Christ which works endless miracles for the faithful. This is a very brief summary of the amazing account of the Cross and Fr. Stavros who was resurrected from the dead as a child by this piece of the Precious True Cross of Christ. The account is recorded by Constantine Zalalas.

Message About Additional Orthodox Education Resources

If you are aware of any additional Orthodox education resources for children related to the saints and feastdays for the month of September, please send us the resource name and internet link via our CONTACT US page. Thank you!

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September 14 September Index